23 September 2005
Campaigners are launching a fresh appeal to restore the popular Swansea Slip Bridge to its former glory. They say they do not want to see the giant bridge resurrected from its new home on the seafront, but are calling for a new structure to span the abutments that are still in place on Oystermouth Road.
The bridge was removed from its home after engineers revealed it had badly deteriorated.A consultation on what to do with the popular bridge failed to find a clear consensus.A relocation option was therefore approved.
Local DJ Plastic Sam and Gary Perkins are leading the rally and say that they have huge backing behind their Slip Bridge Support Group.
Sam said: "There are about 25 of us. We have kept it quiet, but now we are ready to establish where we are going."We have got a couple of thousand people who have signed up their support."
The campaigners will be in locations throughout the city tomorrow looking to collect more signatures.
Sam said that their campaign is more than just pie in the sky and that they are confident the cash is available to deliver a new bridge across the busy road.
He said funding could be found from grant sources and wants businesses like Corus to be brought on board.
He added: "We don't like it on the prom but it doesn't make sense to move it, we would want a replacement.
"The abutments are in good condition so they form an equal part of the Slip Bridge which is down the road partly buried.
"It is not the best option, but certainly worth fighting for."
A spokesman for the council said: "In its new home, the Slip Bridge is already becoming a popular feature on the promenade.
"The council will be bringing forward proposals of its own regarding the future of the abutments in due course."