Thursday, May 12, 2005


12 May 2005

The Post has published many letters from readers both for and against the retention of the Slip Bridge. Your Opinion column has contained some very valid material over the past months. I have no idea why it took Swansea Council so long to make a decision as to the outcome. Possibly they had to read the tarot cards, or cast the runes a number of times. Perhaps they are still waiting for a reply from Madame Blavatsky!

The report from Jonathan Isaacs on Friday April 29, on the bridge saga, really says it all. The splendid cycle path should not be destroyed by installing the bridge anywhere near it.

At the same time, dispense with the two towers that supported the bridge, and open up the wonderful shoreline Swansea is so fortunate to have.

Roy Edmonds
Silver Close
West Cross, Swansea