Thursday, April 14, 2005


14 April 2005

I Agree with G Smith (Have your Say, April 7) regarding the Slip Bridge. It was an act of vandalism to remove it and will create an even more ludicrous situation if its supports are allowed to remain where they are, supporting nothing but the grief for a lost friend.We are told that the decision of the council to remove the bridge in the first place was because of falling masonry from the supports.Surely it is not safe to make shops and so on out of them. If this is not so, there is no reason why the bridge cannot be returned to its rightful place.The picture of the bridge in its supposed new resting place was ridiculous. In the past the council has gone to great lengths to preserve the view of the sea from the promenade - even going so far as to purchase a house on the front so it could be knocked down to maintain the view.Now they may take this immense bridge and plant it on the promenade, where it will encourage young people to climb and no doubt deface it. Put the bridge back where it belongs. It is not too late.

H DaviesPenygraig RoadTownhill, Swansea