Thursday, March 10, 2005


Chris Davies - 10 March 2005

A Swansea entertainer is making a last ditch bid to save the landmark Slip Bridge. Radio DJ Plastic Sam has come up with a plan to justify restoring the old bridge to its former glory by developing a new cafe and restaurant alongside the stone abutments.

He has produced artists' impressions of how his proposal could look.

Swansea Council has decided to relocate the bridge and use it as part of the cycle path opposite St Helen's.But Plastic Sam says renovating the bridge would be a catalyst for developing the Swansea side of the popular bay which is underused compared to its Blackpill and Mumbles cousins.

He said: "Maybe no-one was far-sighted enough to think of an obvious option of what to do with the bridge. Seeing as the main point for scrapping the bridge is because it doesn't go anywhere, this is what I suggest.

"Our city planners have now decided to spend money on developing the prom towards the Slip.

"So what better idea could there be for giving the city end of this magnificent bay the fitting tribute of a terminus for the soon to be extended land train?"

The bridge's future was decided last month, more than a year after a report revealed its condition had deteriorated badly.

A £35,000 public consultation launched last October failed to find a clear consensus on what to do with it, so the cabinet decided to move it to the new spot on Swansea Bay.

Plastic Sam says developing the bridge would link up with the council's new plans to turn County Hall into a better-used public building and to bring more investment to the area.

He now plans to meet city leaders and outline his proposals.

"When the city council realised there was not enough in the coffers to save Wind Street from decay they soon found a line of investors ready to foot the bill. Surely we can save another piece of Swansea's heritage," he said.

"I'm throwing down the gauntlet to the council."